Web-App oHA for the municipality Heiligenbrunn
The community web app oHA offers citizens in Heiligenbrunn a complete digital overview of the current
- Opening hours
- Addresses
- Bookable offers
- Contact persons
- Official forms/ordinances for download
- News and events in the municipality
The citizens of Heiligenbrunn miss no longer a single important appointment! Thanks to current waste disposal times and in-web app notifications, they have always up-to-date information. In addition, the oHA web app serves as a regional marketplace where local businesses can present their products via new sales channels and make their products and services, such as the famous Uhudler wine, directly bookable with included online payment system. With the integrated intelligent search and the map, users of the municipality's web app can find numerous shops, restaurants, local institutions, attractions, and much more. They can also be conveniently navigated them in oHA via live GPS navigation function.
The highlight that really simplifies the daily administrative processes of the municipality is the function to arrange an appointment with the mayor directly online. Moreover, citizens can also buy and pay their annual library cards via oHA web app - all available to citizens around the clock!
In addition, the integration of local e-mobility services, such as car sharing, was recently launched. Citizens can now also directly rent an e-car via the web app. In addition, citizens can explore cycling tours, walking and hiking trails with GPS live navigation.
Many benefits for the municipality
- Digitization of the municipality services - mobile citizen services
- Replacement of the website by the innovative web app
- Relieving the workload of municipal employees through automated processes
- Digital marketplace for the municipality, including a billing and commission system for local providers with regional products and services available for booking and payment directly online
- Connection of e-mobility services (crash sharing & shuttle service)
- Live navigation for citizens via GPS for tours or to specific addresses
- Own design and layout of the municipal web app
- Easy usage and content maintenance of the web app
- More interaction and direct communication with citizens
- More than 300,000 tourist data sets from all over Austria
- Connection with neighborhood municipalities
- User statistics on citizen behavior and preferences for strategy planning and further development of the municipality
- Integration of the software into touch terminals of the municipality
- Integration on any websites and apps through widget export or interfaces
- Integration of energy communities

This project
has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No.