Improving Solar Radiation Forecasts with CloudShadingAI: A Joint Research Project by LuxActive and MetGIS
Projects · 10. Oktober 2024
The CloudShadingAI project aims to improve solar radiation forecasts using an AI-based cloud forecasting system. LuxActive's contribution to the project involves developing this system, which will enhance the accuracy of solar energy production predictions and promote sustainable energy production. The project has significant benefits for sustainability and has the potential to be commercialized and used in further research and larger projects.

Weinfrühling 2024: Shuttle Bus App makes wine tasting convenient for visitors
Mobility · 24. Mai 2024
Over the weekend of May 4th-5th, the Weinfrühling wine testing festival brought cheer to the Southern Burgenland pilot region! As part of the H2020 AURORAL project, we once again put our Shuttle Bus App to the test during this popular local event.

Updates from H2020 AURORAL Project: Southern Burgenland Pilot
Projects · 22. April 2024
We're excited to share the progress of the project in the Southern Burgenland. In collaboration with project partners EEE and BAVENIR, LuxActive successfully completed the integration of electric vehicle (EV) charger data into the AURORAL data broker. This data comes from Open Charge Map, the global Open Data registry of electric vehicle charging locations.

LuxActive's Chatbot for PEDMaker: “SRI-CHATPED”, an awarded project in the frame of the SUSTAIN Eurocluster
Projects · 16. April 2024
LuxActive is proud to announce that it has been selected as successful candidate of the SUSTAIN project's recent open call! Our awarded project, SIR-CHATPED, was chosen among 36 proposals submitted since September 2023. This competitive process highlights the innovative nature of SRI-CHAPTED, which is using cutting-edge technologies.

Hålogaland Tourism Pilot: Taking Visitor Engagement to the Next Level with Interactive Storytelling!
Tourism · 28. März 2024
The pilot region Hålogaland within the H2020 project AURORAL is preparing a new visitor experience! The Hålogaland tourism pilot project is back for another round of testing, this time focussing on an exciting new feature: visitor feedback on digital stories!

Update from the H2020 project AURORAL: We are developing the SmarTomorrow Platform
12. Februar 2024
We are excited to share some insights about our involvement in the AURORAL Horizon 2020 project, which aims to foster the digital transformation and smart communities in rural areas across Europe.

H2020 AURORAL project: News from Halogaland pilot and the planned next testing phase
Tourism · 30. Januar 2024
We are excited to share some of the latest developments and enhancements from Halogaland, one of the pilot regions of the H2020 AURORAL project we are part of. As you may recall from our previous blog post, Hålogaland is a rural area in Norway that offers a variety of touristic and mobility digital services to its visitors and residents. In the winter of 2023, we added new features to the web app oHA in cooperation with Narvik Kommune to be tested in this region.

The CUBIC PM project
Projects · 17. Januar 2024
In this blog post, we want to share with you a new way how to analyse and visualise user behavior in customer journeys. Within our by the FFG funded R&D project CUBIC PM, we use cutting edge, innovations and research findings from the areas of artificial intelligence, feature attribution and natural language processing. CUBIC is a cutting-edge solution!

Tourismus · 15. Dezember 2023
Das Gästeportal oHA ermöglicht den Gästen und Touristen in Werfenweng, ihren Urlaub individuell zu planen und zu gestalten. Sie können aus verschiedenen lokalen Angeboten/Aktivitäten wählen, die mit der digitalen Werfenweng Card gegen Punkte in oHA buchbar sind. Die Angebote/Aktivitäten wurden vom Tourismusverband Werfenweng für die Wintersaison 2023/24 zusammengestellt, die heute, am 15. Dezember 2023, beginnt.

Das Punkte-Gästekartensystem für die Tourismusregion Werfenweng, >>Smart Tourism Region<<
Tourismus · 29. November 2023
Im Dezember 2021 haben wir mit unserer digitalen Gästelösung oHA die neue Werfenweng Card für den Tourismusverband Werfenweng und die gesamte Region (inkl. alle Beherbergungsbetriebe und Anbieter von Erlebnissen/Angeboten) umgesetzt. Nun können Gäste alles was in der Region passiert, bequem und aktuell buchen und ihren Aufenthalt in vollen Zügen genießen!

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