Energy · 27. November 2024
In our previous article we gave insights about how SRI-CHATPED will look like and how it is tied to the PEDMaker application, which is a personalized energy companion that analyzes energy consumption/production data and provides easy-to-follow recommendations.
Now the project is finished and we are thilled to present what the SRI-CHATPED chatbot can do and how the development went.
Projects · 17. Januar 2024
In this blog post, we want to share with you a new way how to analyse and visualise user behavior in customer journeys. Within our by the FFG funded R&D project CUBIC PM, we use cutting edge, innovations and research findings from the areas of artificial intelligence, feature attribution and natural language processing. CUBIC is a cutting-edge solution!
Projects · 20. April 2023
The iOS app >>UBE<< was specially developed by SWISDATA for LuxActive. This app offers an entirely new visualization of the collected anonymized log data from oHA web app. It enables oHA operators, such as hoteliers or tourism associations, to get exclusive insights into the behavior of their end users (guests).