Artikel mit dem Tag "#data"

Updates from H2020 AURORAL Project: Southern Burgenland Pilot
Projects · 22. April 2024
We're excited to share the progress of the project in the Southern Burgenland. In collaboration with project partners EEE and BAVENIR, LuxActive successfully completed the integration of electric vehicle (EV) charger data into the AURORAL data broker. This data comes from Open Charge Map, the global Open Data registry of electric vehicle charging locations.

LuxActive's Chatbot for PEDMaker: “SRI-CHATPED”, an awarded project in the frame of the SUSTAIN Eurocluster
Projects · 16. April 2024
LuxActive is proud to announce that it has been selected as successful candidate of the SUSTAIN project's recent open call! Our awarded project, SIR-CHATPED, was chosen among 36 proposals submitted since September 2023. This competitive process highlights the innovative nature of SRI-CHAPTED, which is using cutting-edge technologies.

The CUBIC PM project
Projects · 17. Januar 2024
In this blog post, we want to share with you a new way how to analyse and visualise user behavior in customer journeys. Within our by the FFG funded R&D project CUBIC PM, we use cutting edge, innovations and research findings from the areas of artificial intelligence, feature attribution and natural language processing. CUBIC is a cutting-edge solution!

LuxActive's AI chatbot helps answer questions to your own data
Trends und News · 29. November 2023
LuxActive's AI chatbot is a powerful tool that can handle any queries from your customers, guests or employees. It uses advanced AI techniques to access your own data and provide fast and accurate answers. Whether you need to communicate with customers, guests or end users, our chatbot can help you streamline and improve your interactions. Our chatbot is not just a simple FAQ bot, but a sophisticated conversational agent that can understand complex questions and give relevant responses!